Lost In Vivo Wikia


Dr. Piccinini is a doctor who works for Nezumi Testing he has a partner Dr. Brundle who seemed to have been against his creation Sotiris

Piccinini seems to have gone insane from being in the lab working with mice all day with one of his personal archives being "Shriek and squeals are all I hear, my dreams are infested with these rats."

He also saw him self as a god to the rats with more of the archive saying "If they knew that and had the capacity to, they would respect me. But no! It's nothing but screams and wailing!"

It seems that the screams were in his head due to him saying he could never escape the shrieks

The reason he made Sotiris was to silence the rats screams the influence of Sotiris was gained from Piccinini watching tape 3

In game

Piccinini is the creator of one of the boss enemies in the game Sotiris he also is a note writer and an object in the game that is needed for an ending

Spoilers for Nightmare Ending here

Piccinini is a object needed for the nightmare ending you just have to take him to the next item you have to pick up and then you fulfill the requirements


  • Piccinini may have been told by Bayagototh to make Sotiris